b'A P P E N D I C E STABLE 7: Step Changes Relevant to The Specific Occurrence Types and Sub-Categories Presented in this Report.OCCURRENCE TYPE NRSDS REPORTING REQUIREMENT STEP CHANGESRailway-related fatalitiesFrom 1 July 2022 onwards, excludes fatalities (to members of the public, passengers, and trespassers) as a result of slips, trips or falls on railway premises, not directly associated with railway operation.Railway-related serious From 1 July 2022 onwards, excludes serious injuries (to members of the injuriespublic, passengers, and trespassers) as a result of slips, trips or falls on railway premises, not directly associated with railway operation.From 1 July 2022, there are changes to the definition of a serious injury to members of the public, passengers and trespassers. Passenger train runningNo step change due to NRSDS.line derailments Tram running lineNo step change due to NRSDS.derailmentsFreight train running lineNo step change due to NRSDS.derailments Running line collisionsNo step change due to NRSDS.between trains and with rolling stockRunning line collisionsNo step change due to NRSDS.between tramsRunning line collisionsNo step change due to NRSDS.between tram and personRunning line collisionsFrom 1 July 2022 onwards, only collisions between trams and vehicles between tram and vehicle resulting in fatality or serious injury are reportable as Category A or B; prior to this all collisions between trams and vehicles were reportable as Category A or B, regardless of casualties.Proceed authoritiesFrom 1 July 2022 onwards, any type of proceed authority exceedance in a exceededheavy railyard is not reportable as Category A or B. passenger 74 ONRSR Rail Safety Report 20232024'