b'R M U CA ST I STAT Y T A M A S L I A F E I L S RYRAILWAY-RELATED FATALITIESThere were 82 fatalities reported in the 20232024 financial year on railways across Australia. These consisted of:one passenger fatality as a result of a person / train interface occurrence.two worker fatalities as a result of a level crossing collision with vehicle.one worker fatality due to a medical episode.five members of the public fatalities as a result of level crossing collisions.one member of the public fatality due to misadventure.six trespasser fatalities as a result of collisions with a train due to misadventure.66 fatalities involving suspected suicide.Figure 1 presents the number of railway-related fatalities by person type and incident type over the past five years. Figure 2 presents the number of railway-related fatalities by person type and precursor event / likely cause, in regard to non-rail safety worker casualties, over the past two years (since the introduction of NRSDS). FIGURE 1:PASSENGERCount (Pre NRSDS) Count (Post NRSDS)Rate Railway-related fatalities10 0.05COUNT OF FATALITIESRate (per million total passenger train km)by incident type, July 2019 to June 2024. 8 0.04Non-passenger fatalities at level crossings are classified6 0.03as Public if neither trespass nor suicide is suspected.4 0.02Suspected suicides at level crossings are coded as2 0.01Trespasser.0 0.00201920 202021 202122 202223 202324 201920 202021 202122 202223 202324 201920 202021 202122 202223 202324LEVEL CROSSINGOTHER RAIL ACCIDENTFALL, ASSAULT,COLLISION (INCL. STRIKE) OTHERONRSR Rail Safety Report1520232024'