b'R M U CA ST I STAT Y T A M A S L I A F E I L S RYFREIGHT TRAIN DERAILMENTS Freight train derailments are generally observed to have a higher frequency of occurrence but a lower consequence of event when compared to passenger train derailment. However, derailments of freight trains still expose train crews, recovery teams and, depending on the location of the derailment, members of the public to potential harm.Figure 11 presents the number of freight train running line derailments over the past five years.Figure 12 presents the number of freight train running line derailments by point of derailment andextent of derailment over the past two years (since the introduction of NRSDS).There were 26 running line derailments involving freight trains in the 20232024 financial year, representing a 42% decrease compared to the number reported during the previous year, thelowest value in the last five years. The precursor events or likely causes of these derailments forthe 20232024 financial year are presented in Figure 13.A comparison of the rate of running line freight train derailments between Australian railways andthe running line railways of Great Britain and the United States is summarised in Table 3. FIGURE 11:CountRate 60 0.6Freight Train Running COUNT OF DERAILMENTSRate (per million freight train km)Line Derailments, July50 0.52019 to June 2024. 40 0.4Includes derailments of30 0.3freight trains on non-running lines affecting the safety20 0.2of running lines. Excludes uncoupled rolling stock10 0.1derailments such as those involving only light0 0.0locomotives and wagons. 201920 202021 202122 202223 202324ONRSR Rail Safety Report3320232024'