b'DATA- I D R I V E N G N N T E L L I E C ETABLE 6: Top Activity Findings against SMS Elements, June 2023 to July 2024.RAIL SECTOR TOP THREE SMS FINDINGS COMMON ISSUES FROM SMS FINDINGSFreight Process Control Plans for rail safety work activities were not correctly completed or signed off.Document ControlProcedure documentation contained Arrangements andinaccurate or outdated information.Information ManagementFatigue Management Processes or procedures were not in place to assess fatigue safety risk.Light Rail Risk Management Risk assessments were either inadequate or unable to be provided.Document ControlSMS or procedure documentation contained Arrangements andinconsistencies regarding terminology, Information Management reference numbers and document numbers.Process Control Track maintenance processes were not followed, such as how results were recorded or frequency of inspections.Maintainers andDocument ControlDocuments were overdue for periodic review, Constructors Arrangements andor documents contained outdated references.Information ManagementProcess Control Processes relating to management of rolling stock defects and test equipment were not documented, or documentation was outdated.Risk Management Risk controls listed in the Risk Register were incomplete or no longer relevant.Passenger Process Control Processes relating to management of rolling stock and track maintenance were not documented, or documentation was outdated.Document ControlDocuments were overdue for periodic review, Arrangements andor documents contained outdated references.Information ManagementGeneral Engineering andErrors, discrepancies, or missing details found Operational Systems Safetyin standards and procedure documentation.RequirementsONRSR Rail Safety Report6720232024'