b'A P P E N D I C E S FIGURE 35:5TRAIN KILOMETRES (MILLIONS) TRAIN KILOMETRES (THOUSANDS)Maintenance Vehicle4Kilometres, July 2019 to June 2024. 3Accredited operators are2required to provide monthly reports of the total kilometres travelled by any self-propelled1infrastructure maintenance vehicles such as a track0201920 202021 202122 202223 202324maintenance train or road rail vehicle. Maintenance vehicle kilometres reported by tourist and heritage operators in Victoria that transitioned under ONRSRs regulatory oversight on 2 December 2019 are included from December 2019 only. FIGURE 36:60Track Kilometres, July502019 to June 2024. 40Accredited operators are30required to provide monthly reports on the length of20track over which they have effective management and10control. This chart depicts the total length of track0reported for the month of 201920 202021 202122 202223 202324June in each financial year. ONRSR Rail Safety Report7120232024'