b'R M U CA ST I STAT Y T A M A S L I A F E I L S RYPROCEED AUTHORITIES EXCEEDEDInstances of trains exceeding the limit of their authorised movement are considered important precursors to collisions and derailments. Prior to the NRSDS, on heavy rail signalled systems these occurrences were notified as a Signal Passed at Danger (SPAD) and on light rail networks, they were notified as a Light Rail or Tram Authority Exceeded Event (LRTAE). Both have been consolidated under the Proceed Authority Exceeded (PAE) occurrence type, which captures instances where a train exceeds the limit of authority, a train proceeds without a proceed authority or proceeds whilst a restraint authority is in place.Figure 24 presents the number of PAEs over the past five years where the proceed authority was driver related2. Figure 24 shows a 9% reduction in the number of PAEs involving commercial passenger trains and a 12% reduction in the number of PAEs involving freight trains. It also shows a 73% increase in the number of light rail PAEs, which is due to a change in reporting, reflecting a focus of regulatory attention by ONRSR, to include in the reporting of PAEs occurrences involving trams travelling onto, or being incorrectly routed onto, the wrong route that results in a potential conflict with another tram.Since PAEs are considered important precursors to more serious incidents, figures 25 and 26 show the consequence events and response actions reported for driver related PAEs over the past two years (since the introduction of NRSDS).2 For dates prior to the introduction of the NRSDS (1 July 2022), data shown is for occurrences classified as sub-category SPAD A1: Limit of authority missed by train crew, LRTAE A2: Light rail / tram signal passed without authority, and LRTAE: A4: Limit of authority missed by light rail / tram crew, as defined in the Reporting Requirements for Notifiable Occurrences (Version 3, ONRSR, Adelaide, 2020).For dates from 1 July 2022 onwards, data is shown for occurrences with likely cause reported as Completely missed, Started against signal, and Misjudged, as defined in the ONRSR Guidelines Notifiable Occurrence Reporting Requirements (Version 2, ONRSR, Adelaide, 2022) and Occurrence Data Submission Requirements (Version 2, ONRSR, Adelaide, 2022).48 ONRSR Rail Safety Report 20232024'