b'DATA- I D R I V E N G N N T E L L I E C ETABLE 4: Number Of Activities and Findings by Sector, July 2023 to June 2024.RAIL SECTOR ACTIVITYACTIVITYFINDINGSFINDINGS COUNT PERCENTAGE COUNT* PERCENTAGEFreight 87 22% 159 16%Light Rail 19 5% 63 6%Maintainers and36 9% 141 14%ConstructorsPassenger 108 27% 229 23%Rail infrastructure57 14% 155 15%manager (RIM)Tourist and Heritage 77 19% 225 23%Yards, Sidings and14 4% 27 3%Terminals*The findings included in this analysis must have been issued to the operator as an observation, non-compliance report or higher order statutory notice. FIGURE 31: Activity CountFindings CountActivities And FindingsFreightby Sector, July 2023 to June 2024. Light RailMaintainers and ConstructorsPassengerRIMTourist and HeritageYards, Sidings and Terminals0 50 100 150 200 250*The findings included in this analysis must have been issued to the operator as an observation, non-compliance report or higher order statutory notice.64 ONRSR Rail Safety Report 20232024'