b'R M U CA ST I STAT Y T A M A S L I A F E I L S RYTRAM COLLISIONSCollisions involving trams, particularly with road vehicles and pedestrians are more common than in the heavy rail sector due to the sharing of public roadways in light rail operations. As a result of the typically lower operating speeds and lighter rail vehicles involved however, such collisions tend to be less severe in consequence. Figure 17 presents the number of running line collisions between trams over the past five years. Figure 18 presents the number of running line collisions between trams by type of collision over the past two years (since the introduction of NRSDS). Excluding out of gauge mirror strikes, there were nine running line collisions between trams reported in the 20232024 financial year, an increase of two from the previous year. The number of rear end collisions has doubled from three in 20222023to six in 20232024 . One worker sustained a minor injury as a result of one of these collisions. The precursor events or likely causes of these collisions for the 20232024 financial year are presented in Figure 19.Figure 20 presents the number of significant (reportable as a Category A notifiable occurrence) running line collisions between a tram and a vehicle or a tram and a person, where the collision with a person resulted in a serious injury or fatality, over the past five years.There were 13 significant collisions reported between a tram and a vehicle and four between a tram and a person in the 20232024financial year. There were no fatalities reported as a result of these collisions. There were 12 serious injuries reported, four to pedestrians and eight to road vehicle occupants.CountRateFIGURE 17: 10 0.5Running Line Collisions Between Trams, July8 0.4COUNT OF COLLISIONSRate (per million tram km)2019 to June 2024.6 0.3Includes collisions on non-running lines affecting4 0.2the safety of running lines. Excludes trams striking or being struck by out of gauge2 0.1equipment on trams on adjacent lines.0 0.0201920 202021 202122 202223 202324 201920 202021 202122 202223 202324BETWEEN IN-SERVICE NOT INVOLVING IN-SERVICE PASSENGER TRAMS PASSENGER TRAMONRSR Rail Safety Report3920232024'