b'R M U CA ST I STAT Y T A M A S L I A F E I L S RYFIGURE 15: Head onRear endSide swipe 6Running Line Collisions Between Trains and with5COUNT OF COLLISIONSRolling Stock, Type of 4Collision, July 2022 to June 2024. 3Includes collisions on2non-running lines affecting the safety of running lines.1Excludes commercial light rail operations. Excludes0202223 202324 202223 202324 202223 202324trains striking or being struck by out of gauge equipment on trains on adjacent lines.BETWEEN IN-SERVICENOT INVOLVINGBETWEEN IN-SERVICEPASSENGER TRAIN &IN-SERVICEPASSENGER TRAINS OTHER TRAIN PASSENGER TRAIN FIGURE 16:RunawayRunning Line Collisions Between Trains and with Rolling Stock, Precursor Event / Likely Cause, JulyTrain handling2023 to June 2024.Includes collisions onPortnon-running lines affectingAuthority the safety of running lines.ExceededExcludes commercial light rail operations. Excludes trains0 1 2 3striking or being struck by outCOUNT OF COLLISIONSof gauge equipment on trains on adjacent lines. 38 ONRSR Rail Safety Report 20232024'