b'R M U CA ST I STAT Y T A M A S L I A F E I L S RYLEVEL CROSSING OCCURRENCESThere are more than 20,000 level crossings nationally that establish interfaces where interactions between trains and the public pose varying levels of risk to safety, depending on the nature of level crossing controls that are in place. Incidents at level crossings are the primary cause of railway-related fatalities among the general public. There were 39 level crossing collisions between a passenger or freight train and vehicle reported nationally in the 20232024 financial year, resulting in five fatalities and five serious injuries:two of the fatalities were train drivers, one was a heavy road vehicle driver, and two were road vehicle occupants.two of the serious injuries were train drivers and three were road vehicle occupants.There was a decrease in the proportion of collisions that occurred at crossings protected by passive controls, such as give way signs and stop signs, from 47% in 20222023to 31% in 20232024 .There were four level crossing collisions between a passenger or freight train and person reported nationally in the 20232024 financial year, resulting in two fatalities and no serious injuries to pedestrians. None of the three collisions took place at crossings protected by passive control devices.Figure 21 presents the number of level crossing collisions with a vehicle or a person over the pastfive years.There were 475 level crossing near hits involving a passenger or freight train and a vehicle reported nationally in the 20232024financial year. There were 426 level crossing near hits involving a passenger or freight train and a person in the same period.Figure 22 presents the number of level crossing near hits with a vehicle or person over the pastfive years.42 ONRSR Rail Safety Report 20232024'