b'R M U CA ST I STAT Y T A M A S L I A F E I L S RYLEVEL CROSSING EQUIPMENT FAILURES AND DEFECTSNotification of wrong-side level crossing equipment failures and defects during 20232024 was at a five-year low of 12. Figure 23 depicts the failures and defects of active level crossing equipment (e.g. flashing lights and/or boom gates) and systems that failed in an unsafe way and not in accordance with their fail-to-safe design principles. These involve significant equipment failures or defects that resulted in the intended level of protection not being fully provided prior to or during the passage, or potential passage, of a train such as:complete failure of active warning devices, including lights and/or booms.late activation of warning devices. premature deactivation of warning devices. FIGURE 23: 40COUNT OF FAILURES AND DEFECTSWrong-Side Level30Crossing Equipment Failures and Defects, July 2019 to June 2024. 20100201920 202021 202122 202223 202324 ONRSR Rail Safety Report4720232024'