b'I N T R O D U CT I O N ABOUT THIS REPORTThe ONRSR Rail Safety Report provides a national summary of rail safety industry performance in the 20232024 financial year described by safety statistics derived from rail safety occurrences (notifiable occurrences) reported to ONRSR, along with chain of events information, and information gathered through regulatory activities. While predominantly a summary, this report does highlight specific incidents where there are opportunities for the wider industry to improve rail safety.Each year the content of the ONRSR Rail SafetyThe addition of six more countries to the Report is reviewed to identify opportunities toUnited States of America and the United add more insights and make it as digestible Kingdom - Canada and several European as possible.countries for comparison to AustralianKey changes to this report include: rail fatalities.The addition of the NRSDS whichA case study detailing an analysis of data provides more information aroundgathered by ONRSR through compliance occurrences and what factors havemonitoring activities and associated contributed to them. Details on the chainfindings. of events leading to an occurrence haveSpecific listing of occurrences has been been included to add more informationomitted. to previous occurrence categories, including a comparison to last years statistics. 8 ONRSR Rail Safety Report 20232024'