b'R M U CA ST I STAT Y T A M A S L I A F E I L S RY TRAIN COLLISIONSCollisions involving trains have the potential to be catastrophic rail safety events. The likelihood and consequences of collisions vary according to factors such as the systems used to manage train movement, the types of trains involved and the speed the trains were travelling at the time of the collision. A major determinant of risk is the involvement of a passenger train because of the potential exposure of large numbers of passengers to harm.Figure 14 presents the number of running line collisions between trains and with rolling stock over the past five years. Figure 15 presents the number of running line collisions between trains and with rolling stock by type of collision over the past two years (since the introduction of NRSDS). There were five running line collisions between trains and with rolling stock in the 20232024financial year. None of these collisions involved passenger trains. No fatalities or serious injuries were reported as a result of these train collisions. The precursor events or likely causes of these collisions for the 20232024 financial year are presented in Figure 16.CountRateFIGURE 14: 6 0.03Running Line Collisions Between Trains and with5COUNT OF COLLISIONSRate (per million train km)Rolling Stock, July 20194 0.02to June 2024.3Includes collisions on non-running lines affecting2 0.01the safety of running lines. Excludes commercial light1rail operations. Excludes trains striking or being struck0 0.00201920 202021 202122 202223 202324 201920 202021 202122 202223 202324 201920 202021 202122 202223 202324by out of gauge equipment on trains on adjacent lines. Rates are articulated using total km for the sectorsBETWEEN IN-SERVICENOT INVOLVINGrepresented in eachBETWEEN IN-SERVICEPASSENGER TRAIN &IN-SERVICEPASSENGER TRAINS OTHER TRAIN PASSENGER TRAINreporting category.ONRSR Rail Safety Report3720232024'