b'R M U CA ST I STAT Y T A M A S L I A F E I L S RYFIGURE 25 (cont.): FREIGHT TRAINCount 6COUNT OF PROCEED AUTHORITIES EXCEEDED543210202223 202324 202223 202324 202223 202324 202223 202324NETWORK RULE COLLISION/NEARLEVEL CROSSINGOR PROCEDURE HIT DERAILMENT IRREGULARITY BREACHFIGURE 26: PASSENGER TRAIN (COMMERCIAL)CountProceed Authorities150COUNT OF PROCEED AUTHORITIES EXCEEDEDExceeded, Response Action, July 2022 to June 2024.100Data shown is for occurrences where the cause of the PAE was driver related. Data only shown50for those PAEs where a consequence event was reported. Excludes tourist &0heritage operations. 202223 202324 202223 202324 202223 202324 202223 202324 202223 202324CONTROLLERDRIVERNO RESPONSEOTHER PERSONSYSTEM RESPONDED RESPONDED ACTION RESPONDED RESPONDED52 ONRSR Rail Safety Report 20232024'