b'A P P E N D I C E SDEFINITIONSDISCLAIMERStatistics are predominantly based on theONRSR advises the following:incident definitions in the Notifiable Occurrence Reporting Requirements3 for incidents from INTERNAL CONSISTENCY1 July 2022, and in the Reporting Requirements for Notifiable Occurrences4 for incidents prior toStatistics for a given incident category may 1 July 2022.differ between sections of this report because definitions and top-event conventions vary Some of the statistics presented are based onaccording to need. For example, international definitions specific to this report to support abenchmarking statistics have different definitions more meaningful risk-based analysis of criticalto ONRSR and hence the scope of ONRSR events. In such cases these definitions areincidents used in these comparisons have been presented in the body of the report. aligned to the benchmarking definitions.DATA COMPARABILITYIssues of consistency are relevant both within the report and between this report and other information products.The statistics in this report may differ to other sources that utilise the same data and coding specifications. This will be due in part to the data collection and preparation methods used to generate the tables and charts in this report which included identification and correction of errors in historical data. With the launch of the NRSDS on 1 July 2022, this report combines two data sets, resulting in step changes for many occurrence types. Most notably, Category C notifiable occurrences were introduced, which operators are required to submit annually. Consequently, only Category A or B notifiable occurrences are included in this report.ONRSR Rail Safety Report7320232024'