b'DATA- I D R I V E N G N N T E L L I E C ECASE STUDY COMPLIANCE ACTIVITIES AND FINDINGSPrevious Rail Safety Reports have focused on presenting notifiable occurrences data only. This case study presents a mix of data sources from regulatory activity, generated by rail safety officers in the delivery of compliance monitoring activities from audits and inspections. ONRSR officers codify an activitys scope, findings, and corrective actions against elements of a safety management system or provision of the Rail Safety National Law (RSNL). This data was analysed to provide insight into common compliance issues across various industry sectors. This information is presented to provide anTable 4 and Figure 31 reflect activity statistics example of the type of external reporting ONRSRfor compliance monitoring activities (audits could deliver on a more regular basis. Feedbackand inspections) for 20232024, including the on this case study is welcome and can benumber of findings resulting from these activities. provided to ONRSR via contact@onrsr.com.au.Activities were undertaken around Australia, An ONRSR strategic priority 20242027 isas shown in Figure 32, and across the range to influence safety practices and build safetyof railway operations and operators that exist knowledge amongst rail transport operators. throughout the Australian rail industry.To achieve this, ONRSR is developing a data setTo de-identify individual operators and to provide and classification to capture regulatory activitiesmeaningful information, accredited operators in more detail and apply advanced analytics tohave been assigned to a rail sector based on enable richer insights into safety managementthe core nature of the railway operations for performance. As this data and its analysiswhich they are accredited, and figures were matures, it will further inform regulatory decision- consolidated against these sectors.making and, importantly, will be distributed to the wider rail industry to assist operational safetyrisk management.ONRSR Rail Safety Report6320232024'