b'R M U CA ST I STAT Y T A M A S L I A F E I L S RYPASSENGER TRAIN DERAILMENTS Passenger train derailment risk is characterised by rare events that have the potential to result in catastrophic outcomes, owing to the potentially large numbers of passengers exposed to harm.Figure 6 presents the number of passenger trains running line derailments over the past five years. Figure 7 presents the number of passenger trains running line derailments by point of derailment and extent of derailment over the past two years (since the introduction of NRSDS).There were four running line passenger train derailments reported in the 20232024 financial year across Australian railways, of which three involved commercial passenger trains. Precursor eventsfor the derailments included one collision with a road vehicle, one proceed authority exceeded, andone track irregularity. There were no injuries reported as a result of passenger train derailments in 20232024 .While the number of commercial passenger train derailments has remained steady in 20232024compared to 20222023 , the number of tourist and heritage train derailments has decreased significantly.FIGURE 6:In-ServiceNot in-serviceRate 10 50COUNT OF DERAILMENTSRate (per million passenger train km)Passenger Train Running Line8 40Derailments, July 2019 to June 2024 6 30Derailment rates are4 20articulated using the respective train km for each sector. Includes derailments2 10of passenger trains on non-running lines affecting the0 0safety of running lines. 201920 202021 202122 202223 202324 201920 202021 202122 202223 202324PASSENGER TRAIN PASSENGER TRAIN(COMMERCIAL) (TOURIST & HERITAGE)ONRSR Rail Safety Report2720232024'