b'R M U CA ST I STAT Y T A M A S L I A F E I L S RYTRESPASSERCount 80COUNT OF FATALITIES6040200202223 202324 202223 202324 202223 202324 202223 202324 202223 202324PASSENGERRAIL SAFETY MISADVENTUREOTHER WORKER SELF HARM MISADVENTURE OR BEHAVIOUR EVENT INCAPACITATIONA comparison of the rate of fatalities betweenpublication was 2022-23. During this period, all Australian railways and selected overseasmember countries sampled for the comparison railways is summarised in Table 1 and presentedrecorded their highest fatality rate over a 4-year in Figure 3. The Australian data in Table 1 is aperiod, however for all except Italy, the rate was subset of the fatalities summarised in Figure 1not substantially higher to previously observed to align with the overseas data definitions. Forrates. The sampled EU member country with example, local data excludes suspected suicides,the lowest average fatality rate, Switzerland, as these are also excluded from overseas data. observed 0.069 fatalities per million train Overall, the fatality rates for Australia arekilometres, slightly lower than Australias average frequently similar or lower than overseasrate of 0.078. railways. Great Britain recorded the lowestNorth America documented the highest average average fatality rate compared to other sampledfatality rate out of the sampled regions with the countries. For the 2023-24 reporting period,United States and Canada registering 0.925 Great Britain reached a 5-year low in theand 0.521 fatalities per million train kilometres, fatality rate with 0.032 fatalities per million trainrespectively. The United States recorded a kilometres compared to Australias 0.064.5-year high and the highest fatality rate of the Due to data limitations for EU member countries,sampled countries for the 2023-24 reporting the latest complete reporting period for Germany,period with 1.079 fatalities per million train France, Italy, Switzerland and Spain at the time ofkilometres, whilst Canada remained steady in the latest reporting period.ONRSR Rail Safety Report1920232024'