b'A P P E N D I C E S APPENDIX B: SCOPE AND METHODSThe scope and methods used for the presentation of data in this report are described below. REPORTING PERIODConsistent activity data for tourist and heritage operators in Victoria (Vic.) that transitioned under ONRSRs regulatory oversight on 2 December Where available, statistical trends of incident2019, is unavailable prior to this date. Exclusion counts and rates are presented over a five-yearof this data has no material effect on the statistics period, from 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2024. A newpresented within this report as it is expected to data set was officially launched on 1 July 2022,comprise only three-tenths of one percent of under the NRSDS, and as such is the source fortotal activity data over the missing period.the data provided for the 20222024 period.Data collected by previous state regulators prior to ONRSR and used in this report was gathered under different legislative regimes. A review of this data was undertaken to ensure comparability GEOGRAPHIC COVERAGEwith ONRSR collected data. This applies to the data outlined below:Descriptions and statistics in this report cover allVic.From 1 July 2018 to 1 December railway operations in Australia.2019, the following data was gathered by Transport Safety Victoria: Notifiable occurrence and activity data for the Melbourne metropolitan tram network; DATA SOURCES and notifiable occurrence data for tourist and heritage operators that transitioned under ONRSRs regulatory oversight onThe information presented in this report is2 December 2019.principally based on notifiable occurrences the initial written advice of a rail safety incident that a rail transport operator submits to ONRSR in accordance with section 121 of the RSNL. Activity data (for example, train kilometres travelled) is based on monthly returns supplied by rail transport operators in accordance with section 120(3) of the RSNL. The specific information to be provided is defined in clause56 of the National Regulations. 3 Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator, Notifiable Occurrence Reporting Requirements, Version 2, ONRSR Adelaide, 20224 Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator, Reporting Requirements for Notifiable Occurrences, Version 3, ONRSR, Adelaide, 2020.72 ONRSR Rail Safety Report 20232024'