b'OUR GOVERNANCE STRUCTUREOFFICE OF THE CHIEF EXECUTIVEOUR SAFETY STRATEGY STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT AND Guides our risk-based regulatory model and the National Work Program that flows from it. Identifies, throughINFLUENCE effective data management, analysis and governance, the important national safety issues to tackle and the safetyBuilds and maintains relationships with key stakeholders, information and lessons to share with industry. drives engagement and strategic communication with a focus on sharing safety lessons, insights, and information POLICYthat promote safety improvement and support compliance with the RSNL across the rail industry.Manages and develops input to national policy and legislative reforms and liaises with key stakeholders toLEGAL SERVICES inform ONRSR positions. Manages ONRSRs interface with Infrastructure and Transport Ministers and seniorProvides a range of legal services to support effective officials and is responsible for developing and maintainingcorporate governance and compliance with legal a suite of guidance documentation that supports industrysobligations, and investigation including advice to compliance with the RSNL. investigators on legal requirements, guidance in the preparation of legal briefs and the management of the prosecution caseload.2024-2025 ONRSR CORPORATE PLAN 7'