b'OUR GOVERNANCE STRUCTUREOURTEAMSCORPORATE SERVICES TECHNICAL SERVICESDelivers services and expertise that help our people stayProvides specialist technical advice for regulatory focused on their role. Encompassing Finance, Peopleactivities (including investigations), training for rail safety & Capability, Information Management, and Businessofficers and technical advice through publications to Technology Services, this team ensures ONRSR has thesupport compliance with the RSNL by rail transport right people, with the right skills and experiences, with theoperators across the country. Oversees ONRSRs right technology and tools. engagement with all major rail projects across Australia and maintains a watch and act brief on emerging rail NATIONAL OPERATIONS related technologies and innovations.Administers an accreditation regime and delivers ONRSRs annual National Work Program through a schedule of audits, inspections and site visits and associated regulatory activities. Conducts investigations and provides advice and information to rail transport operators to support compliance with the RSNL. 6 ONRSR CORPORATE PLAN 2024-2025'