b'STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS 2024-2027POSITION ONRSR AS A FUTURE-FOCUSED AND SUSTAINABLE REGULATORFOCUS AREA KEY INITIATIVES 2024-2025 DEMONSTRATE IMPACT 4.1 DELIVER A REVISED COST RECOVERY Promote outcomes-based measurement to demonstrateMODEL.efficiency and effectiveness. 4.2DEVELOP KPIs TO DEMONSTRATE ONRSR IS AN EFFECTIVE AND EFFICIENT REGULATOR.CONTINUOUSLY IMPROVE4.3DELIVER AN IT REMEDIATION PROGRAM to Learn from internal and external evidence to benchmarkensure baseline systems support the development of and improve how ONRSR is going and growing. the efficient and effective regulatory model and the operational landscape and realities.4.4DELIVER A NEW GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK.PREPARE FOR THE FUTURE4.5REVIEW REGULATORY TOOLS, FUTURE Ensure ONRSRs strategic planning prepares it to meetSKILL SETS AND PROCESSESwith an emphasis future challenges and opportunities.on risk management, data analytics and emerging technology to stay ahead in regulatory practices and knowledge. 4.6CONDUCT FUTURE SCENARIO PLANNINGto identify challenges and opportunities for ONRSR. IMPACTOUTCOME% of stakeholders who agree that ONRSR is an efficientONRSR demonstrates, and stakeholders agree, that ONRSR and effective regulator (stakeholder survey). is an effective and efficient regulator.16 ONRSR CORPORATE PLAN 2024-2025'