b'STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS 2024-2027LEVERAGE DATA AND INTELLIGENCE TO ENHANCE OUR APPROACH TO RISK-BASED REGULATION FOCUS AREA KEY INITIATIVES 2024-2025REFINE RISK-BASED APPROACH1.1REFINE THE ONRSR RISK MODEL AND Refine our national approach to risk-based regulation toSUPPORTING DECISION TOOLS TO better target our resources to deliver the greatest safetyDETERMINE:improvement impact. a)risks and risk profiles at the operator, sector and industry level; b)the mix of regulatory activities to; i)allocate resources to regulatory activities; and ii)establish and address safety issues and priorities.1.2DELIVER A REVISED NATIONAL WORK PROGRAM that incorporates 1.1 and Engagement and Education Program.INFORM DECISIONS1.3REVISE THE ANNUAL SAFETY REPORTto Continue to evolve our regulatory intelligence framework,incorporate causal and contributing factors explanation our qualitative and quantitative data sets, to enhance thethat aid in understanding safety performance and where quality and consistency of decision making.to focus attention to address safety issues and risks.GAIN INSIGHTS1.4DEVELOP A DATA AND ANALYTICS STRATEGY Continue to build our data analytics capabilities toto identify the ONRSR data model and data sets, a transform intelligence into actionable insights, to supportroad map to deliver actionable insights and staff data internal improvement and industry-wide knowledgecapability needs.sharing. 1.5ENHANCED INVESTIGATION STRATEGYto deliver a more streamlined investigation process and revised investigation manual for a) incidents and b) triggers where risk hasnt yet been realised but has the potential for significant harm.IMPACTOUTCOMEReduction in Category A reportable occurrences. Regulatory effort and insights deliver measurable safety benefits or improvement.12 ONRSR CORPORATE PLAN 2024-2025'