b'STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS 2024-2027ENSURE OUR PEOPLE ARE VALUED, SKILLED AND ENGAGEDFOCUS AREA KEY INITIATIVES 2024-2025FOSTER A SUPPORTIVE CULTURE2.1 DEVELOP AND IMPLEMENT THE ONRSR Reinforce leadership behaviours where everyone feelsWORKPLACE CULTURE ROAD MAPto optimise respected, connected and trusted. the ONRSR culture with an emphasis on agreed organisational behaviours that support high performing teams and engender trust, respect and psychological safety.2.2IMPLEMENT THE ONRSR LEADERSHIP EXCELLENCE STRATEGYto embed adaptive leadership behaviours and approach.2.3CONDUCT A CULTURE PULSE CHECK.BUILD CAPABILITY2.4 EXTEND THE ONRSR CAPABILITY Empower our people with the skills, knowledge, andFRAMEWORKby mapping and defining priority confidence to navigate the evolving rail landscape.capabilities needed to support (a) all ONRSR staff and (b) the evolving risk-based approach.2.5 REFRESH THE ONRSR WAYto provide greater transparency and granularity of ONRSRs risk-based regulatory approach including refresh of supporting operational policies and procedures.ATTRACT AND ENGAGE2.6REVIEW ONRSR WAYS OF WORKINGto Tackle current and future capacity challenges. document our hybrid approach to work that balances individual, team, and organisational needs and flexibility.2.7 IMPLEMENT THE (REVISED) ONRSR CHANGE MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK to effectively carry out and monitor implementation of change.IMPACTOUTCOMEMeasures of Trust, Achievement and EngagementONRSR staff find meaning in their work through a shared (internal survey). vision that enhances individual, team, and organisational cohesion and capability.2024-2025 ONRSR CORPORATE PLAN 13'