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b'OUR GOVERNANCE STRUCTURETHE NATIONAL RAIL SAFETY REGULATOR AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF ONRSR IS DR NATALIE PELHAM. The Chief Executive is supported by two Non-Executive e MembersTrish White AM and Julie-Anne Schafer.viutecx The National Rail Safety Regulator and the two Non-f Ehie- C Executive Members make up The ONRSR under am talie Pelh Section 16 of the Rail Safety National Law (RSNL). Dr Na These appointments are made by the South Australian Julie-AnneTransport Minister on the unanimous recommendation of Sch the responsible ministers.afeGOVERNANCE r - No n- exec uti veSTRUCTURE memberTrish White AM - Non-executiv mbere meEXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT TEAMThe Executive, consisting of the Chief Operating Officer, Executive DirectorCorporate Services, and Executive DirectorTechnical, supports the Regulator and non-executive members to ensure ONRSR operates efficiently and effectively, and that its Corporate Plan is implemented. They work collaboratively and with our stakeholdersSimon FosterDr Natalie Pelham Peter Doggett Sasha Viergeverto improve rail safety across Australia. Executive Director,Chief ExecutiveChief OperatingExecutive Director, Technical Officer Corporate Services2024-2025 ONRSR CORPORATE PLAN 5'