b'OUR GOVERNANCE STRUCTURERELATIONSHIPS& STAKEHOLDERSONRSR REPRESENTS AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENTSWe engage in regular communication and consultation IN ADVANCING NATIONAL RAIL SAFETYwith jurisdictional governments, the National Transport TO PROTECT THE COMMUNITY THROUGHCommission, the Australian Transport Safety Bureau, Office PROMOTION OF AND COMPLIANCE WITH SAFEof Transport Safety Investigations (NSW), Office of the RAILWAY PRACTICES. WE FOSTER ONGOINGChief Investigator (Victoria), the Rail Industry Safety and RELATIONSHIPS WITH THESE GOVERNMENTS,Standards Board, the Australasian Railway Association, THEIR AGENCIES, AND THE BROADER RAILthe Association of Tourist and Heritage Railways Australia, INDUSTRY, INCLUDING OPERATORS, UNIONS,the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator and industry safety leaders. Federal and state transport ministers provide OWNERS, CONTRACTORS, MAINTAINERS, RAILbudgetary and legislative authority and support.SAFETY WORKERS AND THEIR REPRESENTATIVES AND RAIL INDUSTRY ASSOCIATIONS. 8 ONRSR CORPORATE PLAN 2024-2025'