ONRSR's Data Analytics team is able to assist with questions you may have or requests for further data information.
If you require data that isn't found in any of the existing reports published on the National Rail Safety Data page, you can request data analytical assistance through the Request for Data form below. Once received, a member of the Data Analytics team will be in touch within three (3) business days to discuss the nature and scope of your request.
The Rail Safety National Law and the Rail Safety National Law National Regulations requires rail transport operators to provide a wide range of information to ONRSR including information about safety incidents (via notifiable occurrences) as well as safety concerns that may be of a commercially sensitive nature. This enables ONRSR to be aware of safety issues that warrant regulatory oversight.
ONRSR is subject to strict obligations of confidentiality in relation to the information that it holds.
If you wish to make a request for information held by ONRSR, whether it be safety data or otherwise, please complete and submit the form below to enable your request to be considered.
If you have any questions regarding this Information Statement, please contact ONRSR’s General Counsel via email at Corporate.Counsel@onrsr.com.au