Statistics were updated every six months to allow operators to benchmark their safety performance against industry and sector averages.
The reporting period for historic data is from 1 January 2016 to 30 June 2022.
Where possible, charts will present occurrence counts over the full reporting period with the exception of serious injury data, which is displayed from 1 July 2016.
The statistics cover all railway operations in Australia.
The statistics are principally based on notifiable occurrences - the initial written advice of a rail safety incident that a rail transport operator (RTO) submits to ONRSR in accordance with section 121 of the RSNL.
Activity data (for example, train kilometres travelled, or drug and alcohol testing undertaken by industry) is based on monthly returns supplied by RTOs in accordance with section 120(3) of the RSNL. The specific information to be provided is defined in clause 56 of the National Regulations.
Consistent activity data for tourist and heritage operators in
Victoria (Vic.) that transitioned under ONRSR’s regulatory oversight on 2
December 2019 is unavailable prior to this date. Exclusion of this data has no
material effect on the statistics presented within this report as it is
expected to comprise only three tenths of one percent of total activity data
over the missing period.
Some of the data presented was collected by previous state-based regulators under different legislative regimes. A review of this data was undertaken to ensure comparability with ONRSR collected data. This applies to the data outlined below:
Statistics are predominantly based on the incident definitions of the national occurrence classification guideline, which is date dependent. For the majority of data up to and including 7 June 2017, incident definitions are based on those in the Occurrence Classification Guideline, 2013 (OC-G1). For data collected from 8 June 2017 up to and including 30 June 2022, and for all SPAD / LRTAE data up to and including 30 June 2022, incident definitions are based on the Reporting Requirements for Notifiable Occurrences (RRfNO).
Variations from the incident definitions provided in the national occurrence classification guideline are described below:
Train types are as specified within the relevant chart filtering tabs, except for “Other”. In addition to including occurrences involving all other types of rolling stock, “Other” train type also includes a small number of occurrences where the train type is unknown.
The statistics may differ to other sources that utilise the same data and coding specifications. This will be due in part to the data collection and preparation methods used to generate the tables and charts on this website, which included identification and correction of errors in historical data. In addition, the statistics are subject to review and amendment as more information becomes available through investigation or inquiry, or as ONRSR refines its systems for data capture, validation and reporting. This may result in variation between historical and future reports.
The incidents in scope of the Level Crossing safety chart show all notifiable level crossing equipment failure / defects. The highlighted “Higher risk failures” are those which meet the following criteria:
Examples of other level crossing equipment failures and defects reported to ONRSR include: