Accredited rail transport operators are required to report certain activity data to ONRSR each month.

This monthly return provides ONRSR with information on activity undertaken under the operator’s Notice of Accreditation, including:

  • Number of rail safety workers;
  • Drug and alcohol testing activity;
  • Number of interfaces with other rail transport operators;
  • Number of kilometres travelled by trains;
  • Passenger passenger journeys/passenger kilometres.

The monthly reporting requirements under Regulation 56 of the Rail Safety National Law National Regulations 2012, are set out in:

Monthly returns must be submitted via the ONRSR Portal no later than the 21st day of the following month. Operators that are accredited to operate in more than one state or territory must complete a monthly submission for each state or territory, which will be available separately in the ONRSR Portal.

The above document and the ONRSR Portal user interface together establish the Regulator’s approved manner and form for the reporting of this information under section 120(3) of the Rail Safety National Law.

This data is used with other information to monitor trends, identify safety issues or concerns, report on safety performance and for the calculation of annual Rail Safety National Law fees.

Last updated: Mar 12, 2025, 3:10:46 PM