Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Network Control Safety Issues

ONRSR is providing more information to rail transport operators and network controllers about the common issues we have identified across network control operations in Australia.

Provided via a detailed presentation with commentary, this series of observations notes the key concerns ONRSR has in this space and is designed to not only inform rail transport operators, but also to help ensure they effectively review the recruitment, onboarding, training and development of network controllers.

You can watch the presentation here.

The presentation follows on from a Safety Message ONRSR released in August 2020 that advised all RTOs of the need to assess and where necessary address the competency of network controllers.

Any feedback and/or questions in relation to the presentation should be sent to contact@onrsr.com.au

Check our videos and animations page for more informative messages and content from ONRSR.

Last updated: Sep 13, 2021, 3:53:00 PM