Safety Message: LX and Ongoing Risk Assessments - Part II
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Safety Message: LXs and the Importance of Ongoing Risk Assessment
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Changes to NSW Drug & Alcohol testing requirements in effect
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The following initiatives continue to be progressed and championed by Sydney Trains Enterprise Track Worker Safety team:
Trialling ZKL3000 Remote Control units for verification of safe functionality and on the ground benefits.
ZKL 3000 RC is a SIL-4 rated remote-controlled track circuit operating device that allows localised control of the rail signalling system. The ZKL device is fitted on the track by a rail safety worker and then operated by remote control via a smart App from a place of safety.
Status: Completed a pilot trial to verify functionality which included 1500+ switches, and environmental testing to confirm suitability for Australian conditions.
Automatic Track Warning System (ATWS)
Trialled and verified benefits provided by Automatic Track Warning System (ATWS) across the network.
ATWS is a SIL-4 rated system providing real-time visual and audible warnings at worksites, alerting workers to oncoming trains and allowing them to move off-track in a safe manner. The system is comprised of a set of points connected to the track which, when they detect a train, sends a signal to a junction box which then transmit to one or more receiver unit(s).
Status: ATWS is active at 23 sites across the network with Routine Network Maintenance Worksite Protection Plans in place to facilitate usage.
GPS Possession Limit Markers
Completed the upgrade of existing Possession Limit Markers (PLM) which now include a built-in GPS locating device to set the boundaries of work possessions and a 72-hour battery for extended use.
The GPS feature accurately cross-checks that the limit markers are located correctly (within 5cms) and gives warning if moved and/or damaged, allowing positive, confirmation of protection boundaries and accurate identification of effected tracks.
Status: Rollout completed with 130 units currently in use and transitioned into Business-As-Usual across multiple territories.
Track Augmented Reality View (TARV)
Track Augmented Reality View App gives positive location of an individual against fixed GIS-recorded assets. It enables positive record of protection placed on track to be taken and used as an independent verification particularly in complex areas, ensuring that protection can be independently reviewed prior to mobilising track access. In addition, this record allows an auditable record of protection to be placed in the event of an incident or operational audit.
Blindsight; which provides mobile plant to provide an additional layer of protection to workers near mobile plant, tested throughout Major Works.
Partnered with a local technology designer and are the first in the world to use their Blindsight technology. This technology uses cameras placed on track-mounted and mobile plant to register the presence of persons within the equipment’s blind spot scan which then creates an alert to the plant operator and alarm for the person in danger.
Status: 39 units installed across a variety of heavy plant and partnered with a safety campaign which saw a 45% reduction of unsafe detections and 47% increase in safe detections.
Blindsight is in the process of being transitioned to BAU.
Further increased the use of remote viewing technology through increasing the fleet of drones to 45 with 50 certified pilots, completing 150+ flights yearly to total over 300 hours of flight time.
Benefits to date include:
1300+ hours removed from working at heights.
1020+ hours removed from working in the danger zone.
Deployed in response to weather events (including landslips and flooding damage and repair works).
Drone data paired with 3D modelling software to create digital twins of several rail locations to further leverage data captured and create secondary use cases.
Used for various tasks, under-bridge and over-bridge inspections, overhead wiring, facilities inspections and heritage asset inspections
Signal Key Switches (SKS)
Improved the utilisation and finalised installation of Signal Key Switches (SKS).
SKS is a manual switch integrated into an automatic signal to allow staff to control the signal aspect through a manual switch. Use of SKS to change signal aspect is supported by the presence of a hand signaller located at the signal to communicate with train drivers.
Status: 25 units installed across the network with an increase in usage of over 100% in the last 12 months with a further 32 sites identified as target sites for future intervention.
Measurement and Inspection Digital Twin (MIDT)
Identified, trialled and assessed multiple use cases for Measurement and Inspection Digital Twin (MIDT) with the estimated reduction of 33,000+ hours in the danger zone per annum.
Measurement and Inspection Digital Twin (MIDT) to improve track worker safety by validating Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) technology to replace manual measurement and inspection results in the danger zone.
Protection Officer Workbook
Developed and implemented the Protection Officer Workbook, consisting of:
Digital Network Diagrams and mark-up tools for worksite protection planning.
Digital Approvals and acknowledgement of Revision and Edits.
Auditor Tools to track PO Activity and Accreditation.
Data Analytics
Identification of locations, times and activities generating highest risk to track workers by analysis of multiple operational data sets, rather than reliance on lagging indicators. ETWS analytics approach is being used in identifying and prioritising locations for intervention and potential deployment of technology.
Emerging Opportunities
Sydney Trains gold card and RIW competency card integration into a single system. This will see us remove 2,000 gold cards and transition them to a nationally recognised system.
In collaboration with SEQR, the ETWS team is seeking opportunities to use the rail safety coach audit data to improve processes and controls in support of safer and more efficient access to the rail corridor.